Feed Your Soul

Thanksgiving is my holiday and I take it very seriously. I love everything about the day. I enjoy preparing the food, decorating the table just right, and having my family all get together to bond, laugh, share funny memories and of course eat! The days afterward, though, I tend to feel a little down and out. The excitement and build up of the holiday phases down and I need to feed my soul with something. That something for me is Soul Cycle.

I have been taking Soul Cycle classes since 2002. It has been the one consistent form of exercise I have done throughout my adult years. I remember taking my first class in the newly opened East Hampton Soul when I was renting a share house with my friends. The exhilaration I felt when I left the studio that morning was mind blowing. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life. It just clicked with me. I was drenched in sweat, my heart was beating fast, the music made me want to sing, and the instructor’s words were so powerful I almost didn’t want it to end. But of course I was happy it ended because I was absolutely spent. It took the wind out of me in such a positive and awesome way that I couldn’t wait to sign up for another class.

Fast forward 16 years later, I still feel the same way when I leave a class. How can that be? But it is true. I have recommended Soul Cycle to just about everyone I know. I am recommending it now to you, my readers. Go out and try it if you haven’t before. You don’t have to be athletic, have a perfect body, or even know how to get on a bike. The studio directors help you learn and set up and beginners are always welcomed with loving, open arms. It’s a safe haven, actually, for people who want to try, want to help themselves improve their mind, body and spirit, and who want to be a part of something and be accepted for who they are. It has changed my life and the way I feel about myself and how I feel in my clothes. When you feel good about yourself, you feel good in what you wear. It all goes together in perfect unity.


For a great article about how Soul Cycle and fashion collaborate together, read Soul Cycle Is Betting High Fashion Will Get You Spinning, by Rebecca Greenfield and Kim Bhasin attached below.


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